Not paying the price .... you'll pay it in another way. romanian author Adrian Dumitru






I didn't wanted to pay.

It was not the first time.


I simply ... dislike to pay.

Hate it.

And ... many times i ... just refuse it.

Without any explanation.

I know that in life i need to pay for absolutely everything.

I also know that i must pay lots of things ... and there will be times when i'll not get anything in return.

I ... also hate that.


But ... the funny thing … what I've observed ... is that ... each time when i don't pay ... i am forced later to pay ... 2-3 times more.

Is like a ... karmic process.

I've started to write the book ... "Insert coin" as a process of self therapy.

To force myself ... to pay.

Whatever i have to pay in life.

My debts to the government.


My debts to different companies.

But also ... or maybe mostly ... my karmic and dharmic debts.

Pay ... and smile.

Pay .... and enjoy it ... like it should be the best thing i could have done.


Unfortunately ... the self therapy failed.

I usually write a book of essays in 2-3 weeks... but this one is delayed by months.

I hate to ... "insert coins" ...

No matter what is it about.

But you know why?!

Well ... most probably ... I believe that i deserve as the Universe to offer me all i ask for .... but not do anything in return.







Yeah ... that's me.



Download the book ”INSERT COIN

...and the Universe will give whatever you dream about.
The real philosophy beyond motivation” written by the author writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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